An Introduction to GnuPlot

Thibaut Démare
LITIS - Université du Havre
March 29th, 2016


  1. What is GnuPlot and When do You Need to Use it?
  2. The main commands
  3. Example
  4. Plot it online!

What is GnuPlot and When do You Need to Use it?


  • GnuPlot allows to generate 2D and 3D plots of functions and data.
  • It is a command-line program.
  • You can run it on Windows, Mac or Linux and it is free.


  • When you need something very specific.
  • When you need to automize the process.

The main commands

The First Commands to Know

  • set terminal [options]
    set output [options]
    it defines the output format.
  • set xrange [options]
    set yrange [options]
    it defines the ranges of the function to plot.
  • plot [options]
    the main command which draws the function or data.

The "plot" Command

  • plot sin(x)
    to plot a classic math function.
  • plot  "data.txt" using 1:2
    to plot data from a CSV file.
  • plot  "data.txt" using 1:5 title 'My data' with linespoints linewidth 2 pointinterval -100 
          pointtype 13 pointsize 1 linecolor rgb "#228B22"
    a more customized version.



# First, we tell to gnuplot what it the output
# Here, it is a SVG file called "output.svg", with a "times new roman" font
set terminal svg size 1473,824 enhanced fname 'Times New Roman' fsize 24 butt solid
set output 'output.svg'

# We define where to place the legend
set key inside bottom right
# Put a title to the x-axis
set xlabel 'Time'
# And a title to the y-axis
set ylabel 'Number of Logistics Service Provider'
# And the main title
set title 'Strategies Adoption'
# Eventually we plot the four curves
plot  "data.txt" using 1:5 title 'Strategy 1' with linespoints lw 2 pi -100 pt 13 ps 1 lc rgb "#228B22",\
      "data.txt" using 1:4 title 'Strategy 2' with linespoints lw 2 pi -100 pt 9 ps 1 lc rgb "#FF8C00",\
      "data.txt" using 1:2 title 'Strategy 3' with linespoints lw 2 pi -100 pt 11 ps 1 lc rgb "#003B6F",\
      "data.txt" using 1:3 title 'Strategy 4' with linespoints lw 2 pi -100 pt 7 ps 1 lc rgb "#CC0000"


Figure 1: The output

Some links

Some links

Thank you for your attention !

Any questions?